2016 Puppies - Nursery School Pictures
This Litter was whelped on March 27th, 2016 and they will be ready for their new homes on May 11th. All puppies will come with AKC Registeration Papers.
We accept Cash, Visa, MasterCardd, American Express & Discover Credit Cards. Please call (479) 866-0128 or email [email protected] for pricing if interested in any of the following puppies.
We accept Cash, Visa, MasterCardd, American Express & Discover Credit Cards. Please call (479) 866-0128 or email [email protected] for pricing if interested in any of the following puppies.
Willowmina - RESERVED
Willomina is a very relaxed and chilled out little pup. She loves to play around when she wants to, but also will curl up and take a nap right beside you. She also loves to be goofy and show off her adorableness (as seen in the picture ;). She makes a great little companion.
Sergio - Sold!!!
Sergio is such a cute little one. He LOVES attention and wants it alot. Other times, he wants to sleep, but for the most part, he wants to be playing. He's always playing with the other little pups and but also does love to curl up and sleep in a puppy pile with them. This cute one will definitely make a great addition to a family.
Marshall - REHOMED!!! :-)Bodie - SOLD |
Marshall is very relaxed and definitely loves to be babied and spoiled. He loves to fall asleep right in your arms (when he's small at least, but that won't last for long); but he also likes to interact and play with his other little nursery school siblings. He really likes peace & quiet and, of course, take a long nap, but will also gladly trot along with you on a walk. Snatch him up quickly because with his cute little personality, he won't last long. He'll be a great addition to any family. Bodie certainly does have an adventurous personality. He loves to explore and look around. While he has an adventurous side, he does love a good nap every once in a while. Bodie absolutely loves the attention and to play with the other little pups, as well. He's super cute and would be the perfect little guy to add to your family today. |